2023 Microsoft MVP
2022 Google Innovator Champion
2021 TensorFlow Education Outreach Award
AWS Community Builders Member
Ordained Reverend to Marry Couples ULC
Media Developer Expert
Distinguished Toastmaster
Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador
Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js
TensorFlow in Practice Specialization
Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform
Deeplearning AI Certified
Google Developer Expert – WEB & ML
Machine Learning in JavaScript with TensorFlow.js
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Machine Learning by Stanford University on Coursera
Google AI in JavaScript with TensorFlow.js edx course 2022
Silicon Bayou Top 100 Recognition
President of New Orleans Toastmasters Emeritus Gavel Award
GitHub Open Source Maintainers Group
Advanced Communicator Silver
Toastmasters Contest Champion (several years)
Advanced Communicator Bronze
Advanced Leader Bronze
NMA Leadership Competition Honorary Judge
Competent Communicator
Competent Leader
District 68 Judges Certification
Bachelor’s of Science in Computing UNO 2004
UNO ACM President