Speaking | |
November 20, 2020 |
The Video for this talk is for VirtualCoffee.io members only. Please join VirtualCoffee.io and ask to view the lightning talks
Virtual Coffee Lightning Talks A special thank you to all of our speakers for our first Virtual Coffee Lightning Talks event. Virtual Coffee started as a once a week zoom chat in April 2020, and has grown into a community of devs at all stages of the journey, meeting, mentoring, hosting events, and most importantly, making friends. Our mission is to form community, allow room for growth and mentorship at all levels, and to provide a safe space for everyone interested in tech. To find our code of conduct, events, or to learn more, you can check out our website https://virtualcoffee.io/. Speakers and Talk Titles __ Rahat Chowdhury (2:58) – Twitter: @Rahatcodes Prioritizing Mental Health During the Job Search Courtney Landau (17:58) – Twitter: @sosuperc Firebase: An Introduction & Demo Mike Rogers (30:33) – Twitter: @MikeRogers0 Developing in Multiple Languages Karen Dickenson (40:40) – Twitter: @kldickenson Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Freelancer Nick Taylor (49:53) – Twitter: @nickytonline Words Matter: Conventional Comments Lucia Cerchie (58:03) – Twitter: @CerchieLucia Why do we index from zero? Dan Uhl (1:07:04) – Twitter: @Danieluhl Finetuning Frontend Platforms Gant Laborde (1:18:40) – Twitter: @GantLaborde TensorFlow.js MC: Bekah Hawrot Weigel – Twitter: @BekahHW