GDG New Orleans
Speaking | |
June 18, 2019 | |
New Orleans, LA |
Lightning Speaker
SLIDES: https://infinite-red.slides.com/gantlaborde/keras-tuner#/
This month at GDG New Orleans we’ll be presenting several lightning talks about topics covered at Google I/O. Afterwards we’ll head to the bar to chat about all the things we learned.
Are you interested in giving a 5-10 minute lightning talk at this event? Join the NOLA devs slack https://nola-slackin.herokuapp.com and contact @Chris Guzman or let us know in the #gdg-new-orleans channel. You can also email Chris at guzman(dot)Tchris @ gmail(dot)com
7p-8p Lightning Talks
– “Keras Tuner – Automating Hide and Seek”- Gant Laborde
– “Android Q: Quit Doing That” – Chris Guzman
– “What is Actions on Google?” – Olivia Sabo-Rush
8p-9p Social at the bar